Grade 9 – Vocal Ear Training

vet709Grade 9 includes 24 ‘mini-exam’ Sessions (on 2 Discs) with:

  • 2 Melody Exercises of the UPPER voice of a two part phrase in 4/4 time (4 measures)
  • 5 Interval Exercises include the identification of these intervals:  Above
    and below a given Note: Any interval within an octave and Major 9th
  • 5 Chord Exercises including Major and  Minor in Root position and First inversion,  and Dominant and Diminished 7th chords
  • 1 Scale Exercise includes the singing of  Major scales starting on any degree of the scale between the Tonic (1) and the Dominant (5) and Harmonic and Melodic Minor Scales from Tonic to Tonic
  • 2 Cadence Exercises include the identification of Perfect (V-I), Imperfect (I-V) and Plagal (IV-I)  cadences

Example Session – Grade 9, Session 1

Melody Exercises (2 in each session)
The CD plays the melody.  Students sing the UPPER voice while tapping the basic beat.  The melody is printed in the answer booklet.
 VET Gr 09 melody
Interval Exercises (5 in each session)
The required interval is named and the first note of the interval is played. In the space that follows the students sing the second note of the interval. After a short pause, the answer note is then played (indicated by bracketed notes).
Chord Exercises (5 in each session)
The chord is played twice and in the space that follows.  The student identifies the chord as Major or Minor in Root or First inversion or Dominant or Diminished 7th.  After a short pause the answer is given (indicated by the text below each chord).
Scale Exercises (1 in each session)
The required scale is named  and the first note of the scale is played.  Sing the scale ascending and descending one octave .  After a short pause, the answer scale is then played (indicated by the notes in the second bar).
Cadence Exercises (2 in each session)
A short melody ending with a cadence is played twice and in the space that follows.  The student identifies the cadence as Perfect (V-I) , Plagal (IV-I) or Imperfect (I-V).  After a short pause the answer is given (indicated by the text below each cadence).
Perfect Imperfect
Play Grade 9 Session 1 sample:
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