Grade 9 – Student

cet709Grade 9 includes ‘mini-exam’ Sessions with:

  • 6 Interval Identification Exercises: Identify the following intervals after the two notes have been played consecutively (melodic intervals).
    • Above a given note: any interval within an octave.
    • Below a given note: any interval within an octave except diminished 5th (augmented 4th)
  • 6 Chord Identification Exercises: Identify these chords (by quality  and  inversion ex. major root) when  played in solid form:
    • Major and minor triads in root position and first inversion, dominant 7th and diminished 7th chords in root position
  • 2 Cadence Identification Exercises Identify Cadences as Perfect (Authentic) (V-I), Plagal (IV-I) and Imperfect (I-V) at the end of a short phrase in a major or minor key.
  • 2 Melody Playback Exercises of the UPPER voice of a two-part phrase in a major key.

Example Session – Grade 9, Session 1

Interval Identification
Two notes are played consecutively (melodic intervals) once Identify the interval by size and quality (Major 3rd) in the space that follows then check your answer with the answer booklet.
Chord Identification
A chord is played in root position solid form (all notes together) once. Identify the chord as major, minor, dominant 7th or diminished 7th  in the space that follows then check your answer with the answer booklet.
Cadence Identification
The tonic chord is played once and then a short phase ending with a cadence will be played twice. Identify the cadence as  Perfect (V-I) or Plagal (IV-1) in the space that follows then check your answer with the answer booklet.
Cadence_ID1_Gr9 Cadence_ID2_Gr9
 Perfect (Authentic)  Imperfect (Half Close)
Melody Playback
The triad (tonic chord) is played once and the two part Melody Playback melody is played twice Play back the UPPER voice from memory, then check your answer with the answer booklet.
MelodyPlayback1_Gr9 MelodyPlayback2_Gr9
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