2 Rhythm Exercises in 2/4 and 3/4 time to clap, tap or sing back of a simple rhythm pattern using eighth, quarter, dotted quarter, half and dotted half notes
6 Interval Identification Exercises: Identify the following intervals after the two notes have been played consecutively (melodic intervals).
Above a given note: major 3rd, perfect 5th, and perfect octave.
Below a given note: minor 3rd, and perfect 5th.
3 Melody Playback Exercises of five notes based on the first five notes of the major scale in C+, F+, G+ and D+ starting on the tonic (1st) or mediant (3rd) note which can contain a leap or a third or fifth.
Example Session – Grade 3, Session 1
Rhythm Clapback
The Rhythm Clapback melody is played twice.
Clap or tap the rhythm or sing the melody. Check your answer with the Blank Rhythm Pattern in the booklet.
Interval Identification
Two notes are played consecutively (melodic intervals) once
Identify the interval by size and quality (Major 3rd) in the space that follows then check your answer with the booklet.
Perfect 8 above Major 3 above Minor 3 below
Perfect 5 below Perfect 5 above Perfect 8 above
Melody Playback
The triad (tonic chord) is played once and the Melody Playback melody is played twice
Play back the melody from memory, then check your answer with the booklet.